1. More than 120 pages;
2. Italian language but algebraic notation;
3. Its authors are :
- Italian CM Walter De Marco, current Fide rating 1861 but he had a 2096 peak Fide rating back in 2003. He is also a registered Chess Instructor for the Italian Chess Federation.
- Chess enthusiast Paola Mezzanzanica, with no Fide rating.
Chessplayers intererested to purchase this work may contact directly the authors at the following email address: chess.duchattelsystem@gmail.com
A book preview can be downloaded here
A real labour of love about an original but fully playable opening system. In the past I used it in national chess tournaments and I realized that even strong players playing the White side of the board need some time in order to organize their thoughts to be able to face a rarely used system. Also this opening is excellent in Rapid & Blitz tournaments where the time on the clock is a key factor.
Link to previous blog posts on the same subject.

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