Saturday, May 19, 2012

du Chattel's blitz games (n° 6-10)

 Link to the download of the first 10 games in zipped pgn format.
Here you can see games 6 to 10:

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A gift for Philip du Chattel's fans update at the end of the article!
As stated in a previous post, here is the promised gift.
Back in 2006 I started publishing material on Philip du Chattel's chess in UON 16. All the tournament chess games of the dutch master were published in subsequent issues. Secretely I hoped that the master would come back to active chess or that he would publish a book/pamphlet explaining his chess ideas. Unfortunately these hopes didn't materialize
 there is a good news anyway: in fact Philip du Chattel played n° 516 blitz games (10 minutes per player) against strong chess engines such as Fruit 2.3 , Pro Deo 1.2 etc between April 2006 and Aug. 2008. Of course an early Nh6 move was played. This is how it went in du Chattel's own words:
 "My way of gaining a better understanding of the du Chattel system involves computers and chess engines too. But I prefer to play as many as possible "blitz games" against as many as possible engines. The quotation marks around the expression "blitz games" are there because it is rather an analysis than a game. This means that I took myself the right to retrace my moves when the result of a move is not agreeable to me. Afterwards I usually analyse  the game/analysis in chessbase by means of a the kibitzer system with another engine (or more engines if needed). But in that meta analysis I never let the kibitzer go beyond 18 plys. To me going beyond this limit is an example of diminishing returns. The change that the engine might stumble upon something relevant is way too small compared to the time involved. And that apart from the fact  that I am way too restless to wait that long. To me the main advantage of the "many games"  system is that the theory gets a chance to develop rapidly: somewhat like the fruitfly in genetics. But I fear that a real evaluation of the worth of the du Chattel system is in the results players achieve with it. And then you need many real games to get a statistically useful result".
What follows is the opening book containing the following games played by du Chattel:
  • n° 204 early Nh6 tournament games played from 1974 to 1995
  • 496 blitz blitz games (analysis included) played between April 2006 and Aug. 2008 against the chess engines.
Chessbase Format:

And now....are you wondering about the above mentioned blitz games? Well they will be published on this blog, at a rate of about five games per week, starting from tomorrow.
So, stay tuned! I have played through the most of these games and I can assure you that UCO fun is assured!

One last point. After Aug. 2008 Philip du Chattel's gave up his chess experiments with the chess engines. Today his art is shown through his pictures. Here's a link to his Picasa Web Album :

Last but not least, I wish to express my appreciation to:
  • Philip du Chattel for his willingness to share his blitz games & analysis plus an explanation of the method he used for these games;
  • IM Gerard Welling for being a constant source of chess inspiration and for his excellent article on du Chattel's chess in Kaissiber 31
March 25th 2017 Update
The Chessbase opening book link has been updated as the previous one was not working anymore:

Friday, May 11, 2012

Update on Shashin's work and theories

Two new articles on Shashin  and his chess theories are available on the BS Chess site :

1) Chess is an inaccurate game!

2) It is devoted to editing the chess textbook by Alexander Shashin in the "Mongoose Press"