At the Bratto International Chess Tournament I saw this position arising from a game played between two strong Class B players (Fide rating between 1700 - 1800). Black has just played Qf7. Now White can win simply by playing 1.Qd8+ Kh7 2.Ng5. But he played 1.Qg7 and the game ended in a draw. :-((
At the Bratto International Chess Tournament I saw this position arising from a game played between two strong Class B players (Fide rating between 1700 - 1800). Black has just played 26...Qf1+ ...... and you know what happened..........
White resigned (???) After 27.Kc2 Be4+ (if 28.Kb3 Qb5 draws by repetition) 28.Qxe4 Rxe4 29.Rxf1 Kh8 the game is still open.